dijous, 24 de maig del 2012

Are you for or against ebooks?

A few years ago, one revolutionary product appeared in the market: the ebook. Now, some years later, I think we are prepared to analyse it and to comment its advantages and disadvantages.

One of the arguments for, is that in this gadget you can save a lot of books, and this lets you carry the ebook wherever you want without it being a trouble. The ebook also has Internet connection, so if you get tired of reading, you can surf the Internet or maybe look for something related to the book you are reading.

On the other hand there are the problems. One of them is the price, because it's expensive ( about 100 euros the cheapest one). The books you can buy for an ebook are expensive too, but we think that time will reduce the prices. If you buy an ebook you have to know that not all the ebooks are prepared to read all the formats, so be careful!

All in all, we think that paper books and ebooks are compatible, because you can have an ebook and buy paper books too, maybe because you like the feeling of touching them. In conclusion, the decision is yours.

Area 51

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